We are pleased to announce that as of [Date], we have changed our company name and logo from Nishiden (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (NND) to Nishi Densen Sdn Bhd (NSD) as part of our rebranding strategy. This step’s major idea is to strengthen our growth and commitments by helping our customers identify with our brand in the marketplace.
What this means for our existing clients is that we are open for business as usual. This rebranding will not affect or delay any current projects of NND or future projects of NSD, and our commitment to you remains unchanged. Additionally, this rebranding and name change will not impact any of our legal entities, shipping and billing addresses, tax identification, or additional invoicing information, which will all remain the same.
While this may be a significant change, our core beliefs are still the same. Our team of dedicated professionals will continue to provide the same, or better, level of professionalism that you have always experienced and we will continue to be the specialist delivering the highest quality branch cables.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our clients, for the understanding as we embark on this journey ahead as NSD.
Should you require any clarification regarding this rebranding exercise, please feel free to contact us at [email] / [number].
Thank you.